The Good Life in Eau Claire County
Posted: January 21, 2013
The Chippewa Valley Museum worked with community partners to develop a community cultural vision for Eau Claire County. We hope the resulting documents and data will be a tool for local governments, funders, and cultural organizations as they make decisions and set directions.
The project, called The Good Life, received national funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services. The Good Life is looking at where Eau Claire County residents think it is now, what it might be like in the future and what can be done to get it there.
We've learned a lot from surveying county residents, both by mail and online. We've also interviewed groups of county residents about what they think about Eau Claire County and the kinds of culture it offers.
Download a screen-quality book of findings and ideas from the project! (3.4 mb)
Download a short version, just the key points and strategies (400k).
Need either document as a print-quality file? contact Frank Smoot
Need a bound paper copy, or more than one? Call Susan McLeod (715) 834-7871.
What are some of the things we've learned? Click here for some observations and trends we've gathered from the public, and some of the questions we've investigated as a result.
Here are some values that County residents share.
Are you a long-range planner? Cultural organization? A true data hound?
Find links to loads of tabulations, raw data, and narrative answers here.
Organizations represented in the Good Life core planning team include the Chippewa Valley Museum, the L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library, Clear Vision Eau Claire, the Children's Museum of Eau Claire, and the Eau Claire Regional Arts Center.
Thanks to the following organizations for their roles in getting the word out about the project:
Houck Advertising, Volume One, Leader-Telegram, Senior Review, Family Times, Downtown Ink, Maverick Media, WEAU-TV13, Charter Media, Lamar Advertising, Wisconsin Public Radio.
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